About Sombrero Chino 

• Stunning island ideal for snorkeling and hiking 
• Clear waters with white, coral sand, sharks, penguins, and sea lions 
• Strong currents support rich marine life 
• Short, easy hike with volcanic views 
Sombrero Chino is a picturesque, small island that's best explored both on the water and beneath its surface. Its underwater world offers some of the finest snorkeling experiences in the Galapagos, with crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life. Swim above stunning white sand, spot a variety of sharks, and, if you're lucky, catch glimpses of playful penguins and sea lions. The area is teeming with fish, benefiting from strong currents, while still maintaining a calm, tropical reef-like environment. On land, a short and pleasant hike allows you to take in the island's unique volcanic landscape. 
Sombrero Chino
Galapagos Hawk Sombrero Chino Galapagos
Galapagos Hawk 
Sealions Sombrero Chino Galapagos
Sealions resting 
Portulaca Galapagos
Portulaca flowers 
Trail on Sombrero Chino Galapagos
The trail